Muscle Spasms How Can I Get Rid Of Muscle Spasms In My Neck/shoulders?

How can I get rid of muscle spasms in my neck/shoulders? - muscle spasms

I was in a car accident in 2003, and two slightly bulging disc in his neck, where he shoulders and near the base of my skull. Constantly with muscle spasms in my right trapezius are now so tightly around the base of my throat (near the shoulder) feels like a bruise began to form.
What can I do to relieve this pain, with no prescribed muscle relaxants?


Chas said...

I use a neck injury and this method, all the time.

Fill cook a gym sock with dry rice
Tie the ends of
Microwave on high for 60-90 seconds
Make sure that it is not too hot
Apply to the neck.

You can again and again, while the rice is dry.

Here are some links to sites that can help you. Good luck
... ...

Although all you have is muscle sock deal larger projects. But if you have pain in the shoulder or arm, such as burning or with an awl, I feel stabbed see a doctor.
I was injured in a car accident and my neck. In fact, you should not, like muscle spasms in the sense of an accident 5 years ago. Are you sure it is stress?

Here's a good link, then you might want to consider. ...

Here is a good place for alternative medicine isenjoy ...

Good luck and I hope the links help

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