Where To Put A Booster Hydrant What Age Did You Put Your Child In A Booster Seat?

What age did you put your child in a booster seat? - where to put a booster hydrant

At what age your child is placed in a booster seat? Also, how much do you weigh? Just curious, my daughter has a Britax Marathon car seat and intends to have a booster seat, a few months before he was 3, and my baby when she was 7 months used to use convertible car seat (he is still) in the search. Thanks


Silas' mom said...

According to Transport Canada, a child must be at least 40 pounds and at least 4 ½ years old before a booster seat. In addition, many technicians certified safety car for a child) to take full advantage, ideally in a car seat with a limit up to 65 pounds (or until they reach the level as today, there are places here in Canada to do so ( as a marathon). The car seat.org website contains many useful information. My advice would be to keep out of the car seat (even though) it financially difficult to buy, continue to generate new messages. It is safer to buy a seat on the back for small and inexpensive used for 3 years for 65 pounds, to maintain.

OCMama said...

My daughter is currently in a convertible car seat. We have an Evenflo. It was also the Britax Marathon. We have our son, 4 months and is now completely out of his baby seat.

We opted for the convertible car seat, because it can not be right without a 5-point harness booster until they are 4 or 40 pounds. She is free now almost 3 1 / 2 and weighs 34th So, when he separated with a book 4 or 40, from his belt and the viola has a point.

As a side note, my daughter loves the bench. He says he feels like a big girl.

Michelle said...

My girls were 4th It is 39.5 cm and 30 pounds.

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