Hardwood Floor Colors Hardwood Floor Color?

Hardwood Floor Color? - hardwood floor colors

In a new house with white walls for most of the furniture and nutmeg, the client visualize us a variety of different wood colors to choose from, and I'm having a hard time, which would be the best. The options are: Shell, Caramel, Fawn, Cherry, Natural, Gunstock, a chair, Spice, Dune, and white in winter. Which of these do you think is most compatible with my description of the house and would be best? Thank you very much.


lisetris... said...

You can check bamboo - It's amazing how many beautiful colors to choose from today.
You can only paint the "perfect", which is what you want.

http://www.building-your-green-home.com/ ...
Here is another side of him, including the pros and cons ...
http://www.building-your-green-home.com/ ...
Hope this helps!

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