Best Baby Rice Cereal How Early Did You Begin Feeding Your Baby Rice Cereal Through A Bottle?

How early did you begin feeding your baby rice cereal through a bottle? - best baby rice cereal

My daughter is three weeks, and drink 4 to 5 ounces of breast milk feeding and always seem happy.
My mother and my mother told me that the right to put a little rice cereal in the bottle to a little more justice to.
Then I asked how they got started early mothers feed their babies on cereal.

I am looking for advice (my feeling is better than any of ya'll could give me some advice) asks if there are other mothers who have sought early enough grain and your baby will benefit.

Thank you!


mike said...

4 to 6 months is OK

momto2bo... said...

It is generally a good idea, cereals, to add a bottle to. Breastmilk digests in about 90 minutes, which sometimes seems to eat only with the meal finished and ready to go. It is normal for babies to eat at this age often. Do not worry, in a few weeks go by canals. Wait until 4 months and give cereal with a spoon. FYI .. I wanted with my first and did nothing to wait longer between meals and sleep longer at night.

RoofingP... said...

My child does not receive any grain until he was old enough to eat with a spoon, if I remember correctly, was about 5 months. My pediatrician said never put cereal in a bottle. My son had a lot more than 4-5 ounces at a meal and it was not until about 4 months old, which seemed a bit unnecessary.

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