Period Starting Mucous And Stopping Period? Implantation Bleeding? From BRIGHT RED To Brown And Mucous!?

Period? Implantation bleeding? From BRIGHT RED to brown and mucous!? - period starting mucous and stopping

So I had pregnancy symptoms for a week is really burning, or breast tenderness / swelling, fatigue, nausea, sensitive nose weapy, etc.

I take BCP. But I was so sure that she was pregnant, I heard the first 5 days after takign. Well yesterday I started bleeding (about 3 days after I stopped), stop taking the pill. I bled red for 2 or 3 Set buffer to approximately 20 hours. Today I have red spots / brown and very stringy blood in the mucous membrane.

HPT was BFN! But there may be still too early? My time is on Tuesday.

Is it my time? Implantation bleeding? What's happening?

Has anyone done in early pregnancy? I was not TTC, but I would like it if I'm pregnant.

Or is normal fibrous membrane at the end of his term ... even if after only one day?

All his ideas and advice will be useful!


lkirchy said...

How long were you birth control? Blood can be fibrous, old blood. It happened to me. But I have a HPT and it was negative.
If you take your pills on time, every day, so it should go.
Good luck!

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